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The Trenton Youth Soccer League (TYSL) is the PSNI program for children and youth in Trenton. It uses the PSNI Play For Fun, Learn For Life curriculum. 

Play for Fun, Learn for Life uses activity-based education to holistically teach the sport of soccer plus health and social skills. 


The Trenton Youth Soccer League adapts the curriculum to be relevant to the public health challenges relevant to the Trenton community.

About: Who We Are


The Trenton Youth Soccer League is a free, safe, inclusive, accessible program in neighborhood environments. The TYSL is designed to encourage fun participation and a love of the game as well as public health benefits--physical, social, and emotional health and resilience.  Physical activity has been shown to have both physical, psychological and social benefits, including school attendance and performance.  Research on soccer’s physical activities has shown it has particular benefits from its comprehensive aerobic, muscle development, and bone-strengthening exercise effects.


The TYSL fulfills recommended physical activity guidelines while also encouraging positive lifestyles, behavioral change, educational performance and health literacy, and youth leadership to help prevent violence, substance abuse, and chronic diseases like obesity. It integrates soccer skills and training with activity-based education for health and social skills.  Its well-defined curriculum includes technical soccer skills and activities that specifically address Trenton’s public health priorities, identified through the 2021 Trenton Health and Wellness Plan/Trenton 250 Masterplan and other research.

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About: Welcome



The Trenton program aims to broadly support HEALTH, WELLBEING, EDUCATION and COMMUNITY

The program is a cross-sector investment in public health to promote a positive socio-economic future for the City of Trenton. Research on physical activity shows long-term economic benefits can occur from the prevention of chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease or social ills like substance abuse and violence.  Prevention reduces demand on public and personal budgets for expensive medical and social services and improves economic activity and productivity.  Resilience can be nurtured after trauma and difficult life circumstances within a positive environment that can help individuals and families build healthier futures 


The Trenton program is building a sustainable, low-cost public/private framework.  It coordinates with both public institutions and private sector community organizations that share an interest in sport to accomplish common objectives. Soccer can provide an important platform to further business and economic development, community engagement, and empowerment.  It brings families and fans together for entertainment, generating employment and adjunct business activities as well as an inclusive environment. 


PSNI works with organizations such as FC Trenton, an adult amateur soccer team, that shares an interest in the economic potential and public health impact of sport. Another example is the Trenton Health Team which engaged with PSNI to support the public health objectives of the Transforming Communities Initiative of Trinity Health, (e.g. prevention of tobacco and other substance abuse, increased physical activity in schools).  PSNI also obtained a US Soccer Foundation Safe Places grant with THT to improve field lighting at Trenton Housing Authority to expand safe infrastructure. The American Heart Association and HORIZON partnered with PSNI to reach adults and the larger community to teach heart health and nutrition principles at the East Trenton Center and Washington Elementary School.


PSNI welcomes collaboration with other organizations.  Please contact Kurt Lituma, PSNI Board Director at

About: About Us

Play Soccer Nonprofit International



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